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Political Risk

Seize global opportunities with protection from the potential risks of conducting business in overseas markets


Political risk insurance can provide the protection which investors, financial institutions and corporate clients need to safeguard their investments in overseas markets against unpredictable losses due to specified political risk perils.

Who is it for?

We offer various insurance solutions to protect our customers against their specific political risk exposure. Our customers include:

  • Financial Institutions and Target Markets
  • Equity Investors
  • Multinational Projects
  • Contractors
  • Importers and Exporters

What is covered?

What types of investments are covered?

  • Equity investments
  • Physical assets
  • Cross-border loans
  • Contracts for goods and services



What types of political perils can be insured?

  • Confiscation, expropriation or nationalisation
  • Currency inconvertibility and non-transfer
  • Political violence* (includes terrorism and war)
  • Contract frustration due to defined political events
  • Sovereign payment default
  • Wrongful calling of on-demand contract guarantees and bonds

 *Not standalone