Why Choose AIG for Fronting and Captive Services Insurance?
For over 50 years, AIG has provided a full range of market-leading fronting and captive services. We leverage a robust network of affiliate and partner operations to provide coverage in over 215 countries and jurisdictions. This means you get flexible, cost-efficient coverage that complies with the requirements of local regulators and other counterparties. With AIG, clients can predict, plan, and navigate a complex world, while working to achieve their risk, governance, contract certainty, and duty of care objectives.
We partner with each client to understand its objectives, identify and analyse its risks and custom-design a programme to support its business strategy. Clients can choose from a wide range of innovative programmes that offer varying levels of risk retention and/or risk financing. In addition, we provide captive management and advisory services regarding the feasibility, formation and management of captives, and offer cell captive facilities. Our global programmes extend to all types of exposures and industries - providing solutions that deliver our expertise and capabilities.